The Department of Environmental Health and Safety offers the following radiation calibration services:

  • Multi-point radiation meter calibration
  • Single point calibration of electronic radiation dosimeter

EH&S will provide a calibration certificate for each device calibrated. Devices EH&S can calibrate include:

  • Multi-point radiation meter
  • Single point calibration of electronic radiation meter/dosimeter
  • Single point calibration of MRAD/Radiac
  • Low range pocket / Pencil dosimeters (1-9)

Please contact EH&S at (515) 294-5359 or for quotes. To request radiation calibration services, please complete and submit the form below.

Billing Information

Billing will be processed through Iowa State University Accounts Receivable Office. You will receive an invoice from EH&S and then a monthly statement from accounts receivables. Accounts Receivable is unable to take credit cards.

Please send payments to:

Iowa State University
Accounts Receivable
0880 Beardshear Hall
515 Morrill Road
Ames, IA  50011-2103

Request radiation calibration services

The cost of return shipping can be billed directly to your preferred carrier provider account. Simply choose the carrier, enter your account information below and the charges will be charged directly to your account. If you prefer not to be billed directly through your carrier provider, the charges will be added to your invoice. All shipments must comply with DOT regulations for packaging, labeling, marking and documentation for hazardous materials.