
Use the following practices to prevent aerosols and splashing while pipetting:

  • Mouth pipetting is prohibited. Mechanical pipetting aids should be used instead.

  • All biohazardous materials should be pipetted in a biosafety cabinet if possible.

  • Cotton-plugged pipettes should be used.

  • Biohazardous materials must never be forcibly discharged from pipettes. "To deliver" pipettes should be used instead of pipettes requiring blowout.

  • To avoid splashing, biohazardous material should be dispensed from a pipette by allowing it to run down the receiving container wall.

  • After using reusable pipettes, they should be placed horizontally in a pan filled with enough liquid disinfectant to completely cover them and the entire pan autoclaved before cleaning the pipette for reuse.

  • When working in a biosafety cabinet, all waste and/or disinfecting containers must be kept inside the cabinet while they are being used.