Radioactive Material Shipping

When planning to transport or ship RAM off campus, EH&S must be informed in advance to determine correct shipping conditions, packaging requirements, shipping papers, and to complete contamination and radiation exposure measurements.  The laboratory is responsible for all costs associated with RAM shipments, including performance packaging and carrier costs.

Authorization to transfer radioactive material from Iowa State University to another facility will only be granted if the recipient is licensed for the material.  EH&S must have a copy of the recipient's license on file and approval from the recipient prior to shipment.  To initiate the shipment, EH&S must have the following information:

  • Name of the person or PI sending the material
  • Name of the person receiving the material
  • Facility name and address
  • RSO's name and telephone number at the receiving location
  • Copy of the receiver's RAM license
  • Radionuclide(s) being sent
  • Chemical form of each radionuclide
  • Total activity in mCi for each radionuclide
  • Number of containers in the shipment
  • Telephone numbers of responsible person(s)
  • Any additional biological or chemical hazards
  • Any special conditions, such as dry ice