July is UV Safety Awareness Month

The month of July is UV Safety Awareness Month.  On campus, we have several employees who work outdoors during the peak hours (10:00AM-4:00PM) for sunlight exposure.  The Department of Environmental Health and Safety provides tips for workers and supervisors to prevent heat stress.  In addition, the Center for Disease Control offers tips to protect yourself when exposed to the sun while working outdoors.  In addition, you can check the UV index for Ames by using the weather widget located at www.ehs.iastate.edu.   Just click on UV in the top menu bar.


EH&S is an employing unit which reports to Senior Vice President for University Services at Iowa State University (ISU). EH&S aids the campus community in preventing illness and injury, protects the environment and connects the university to the message of safety and preparedness. EH&S delivers effective education, fosters beneficial partnerships, maintains technical expertise and provides exemplary service.